Yup, this Chubby here does have a "BOM", and he is really "dangerous"...He preach...Hehe, well I think some of you guys already know by now what this chubby is talking about...yup, Book Of Mormon...basically this chub seldom go bragging around how true the book is or how this book has made changes to his life, but today after much thought of what should this Chub blog about, he has decidedly to say "a little bit of something" about this book...
You see last week Chub had a chance to communicate to a close young friend, she is young and arrogant, like her family which this Chub knows quite well. Some of the qualities Chub see in the family are that:
1. They are easily offended, often they get angry with small things easily, getting around them is not an easy job at all, one has to put a lot of effort to cope with their mood and dislikes, pleasing them is always a constant job description.
2. They are unable to listen, although they are associated with the church for a long long time, their ears are extremely small, they hear the teachings of the church, but they never listen, they'll profess its all true, but they'll do otherwise. They cannot see what the curse of pride has already brought and done to the family, they cannot look beyond their own set of rules, beyond the walls of the family, they cannot break through, they are trapped...
Well, I guess people like these have not understood the teachings of the Book Of Mormon very well, what the book to me is all about warnings, the rise and fall of the Nephites and Lamanites and the warnings, its all to remind us not to repeat the same mistake as our fore fathers did...I hope one day these people can find peace and joy, for true joy can only be acquired through the teaching of Christ...I hope they understand and they'll change...
"With the same method, we'll always get the same result"...a wise teacher once said to me...I hope they heed these words...