Friday, March 25, 2005


After coming back from the state of Kelantan I've decided to pay my girl friend a visit on the weekend, on 19th and 20th...

There I had a wonderful time having lunch together with my lovely girlfriend...we had chicken in a "don't know where" mall and we enjoy the time spent there...and I found out that chicken is a veli fattening substance...

After the lunch we went to a Single Adult activity in KL branch...There I met Elder Fox...we love him very much in Ipoh Branch and He's a witness of my sisters' babtism...he has lost so much weight and I have gained so much since...hai...maybe it's because I took the chicken with Li Siah...

After the picture with Elder Fox, I realised that I need to do something about the tummy...I resorted to playing football in the house...with an extra sized gym ball...hehe...after defeating Li Siah with my superb football skills, I took this picture...but my tummy is still there...haaii...I need to play somemore football in the house...hehe...

Thursday, March 17, 2005


For the past 3 weeks I've been abducted to Kota Bharu by my boss...hai...That's why I've been missing in action for a long time...Here are some pictures taken...

Hey, something new KB Mall...There's no cinema and entertainment inside it!!...hai...That's why I resorted to reading...I finished the book "Rich dad poor dad"...Twice...

a very beautiful view from inside KB mall...

emm...It's full of people inside...Hehe...Most poor people are still working in their farms at this hour...

This is a very special site...Day one operation MC branch...I saw a few bosses walking around and an American lady inspector...A very very special moment to have my big Mac...He...

my daily dosage of good coffee, tea, milo or what every you may call it...It's just so wonderful to have coffee or tea to supply to your room everyday in the morning through the tap...He...

my whole family made fun of my size when they saw me back from Kota Bharu...Ah...One ton mee...I take it everyday for breakfast and dinner...The same stall...The same lady...Now I'm a friend to that lady...I think I'm eating too much of won ton mee...That's why I grew a couple of tones...

My wonderful friend...Robosapien...He cost a lot but he's really cool...He walks, moves, turns, do Kong fu chops and picks and throws things...The only sad thing is that he doesn't talk to me...But I still talk to him everyday...Every hour...And every second...I'm now an expert in robot language...He...

P/s: my boss is requesting for another relief job there and he called me up...I hesitated for a while...And I said "Yes sir"...hai...Why...Why...Why me...