There I had a wonderful time having lunch together with my lovely girlfriend...we had chicken in a "don't know where" mall and we enjoy the time spent there...and I found out that chicken is a veli fattening substance...

After the lunch we went to a Single Adult activity in KL branch...There I met Elder Fox...we love him very much in Ipoh Branch and He's a witness of my sisters' babtism...he has lost so much weight and I have gained so much since...hai...maybe it's because I took the chicken with Li Siah...

After the picture with Elder Fox, I realised that I need to do something about the tummy...I resorted to playing football in the house...with an extra sized gym ball...hehe...after defeating Li Siah with my superb football skills, I took this picture...but my tummy is still there...haaii...I need to play somemore football in the house...hehe...
yo brother!! nice pics huh... cool tummy... wakakakaka... u're always welcome to play 'football' in my house... kekekeke.... good that u're bloggin again!! see ya around! take care... ciaoz... mei mei ;)
li siah: alo! u never defeated me okie!! I WON!!!!! waakakakakkakakaaka....... bleh ;P
miss u very very muchi!!! 8D
yo brother!! so busy ar?? why never update ur blog one?? hehe... update la... miss hearing from you la.. how have u been... gonna see u soon right?? next week ar... hehe... okie la ... take care and keep in touch... update k... byE!
Lotsa love, mei mei
Li Siah miss u like crazy!!
hehe... bye!
p/s: where's my RACING CAR??!! hhahaahahhaha//// am still waiting!!!! kekekekeke....ciaoz..
Aiyo! You funny little joker... I read your blog and laughed until got stomach pains haha...
I know a better way for you to lose weight -- try swimming in your living room heh heh
By the way, I linked my blog to yours already.
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