Haiya, it is not working ler...How ar? How ar??...
Duh...you cannot just slim down in one day la...just don't give up exercising...who know?Miracle just happens...and miracle just happened!!YOU FINALLY JOG!!!Hooray!!!
I like dworks lebbits kaws gats moaws and all kinds of animals and living things...8D~~ u see my ideal home will have alot of animals living together dogs cats rats cockroaches ants spiders and all kinds of things...running free...hehe...
Duh...you cannot just slim down in one day la...just don't give up exercising...who know?Miracle just happens...and miracle just happened!!YOU FINALLY JOG!!!Hooray!!!
Hehehe, I will work hard ge lar, I will run like a rat every week ge lar... (^_^)"
Chubb, gambateh!
Hehe hehe, thank u than u... (^_^)"
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