Here at a beautiful place I had a few burgers and admired the South China Sea...Wondering when is the next tsunami is going to hit...And how heavy will the burgers going to make me...

After coming back from the abduction, I took this beautiful bus to on a trip to the Sing Adult Conference...

Dinner time...Main course...BBQ stuffs...Don't ask me what I ordered...I'm not sure anymore...What a wonderful idea...I didn't enjoy the dish and I think I'm not going to have it again...

The trip to Fraser's hill before departure Ah Lian and me took this picture...She is always a good friend on mine...Wonderful smiles radiates from her face...

It was a horrible winding trip up to the hills...Here "Miss Green" was not only her shirt green...I think her face is green too...hehe...When I got down to the bus I saw the whole "Green Platoon" coming down form the bus...hehe...

To some it was a sweet and dreamy trip up...Determine to have a good sleep they insist on there is nothing that can wake them up...No sway is too big and there is no noise too loud to wake them up...I wonder how many drops of drew came out of the air gasping hole??...

A wonderful nite at the dance party...Ah lian has put a lot of effort on oganizing this party and there I found one of the sweetest dance partner...Heather...Beautiful, nice and sweet...I was shy to dance with her at first but it all went well as she handled me nicely with care, kindness and love...

Because Ah Lian was the boss of the dance party she had to dance the most...At the end of the crazy and hyper dance night...Our dear friend Ah lian vanished in to vapors...All we can find was her pair of shoes...hehe...

After the dance...We went for a spider watching trip...Here's one of the guys...And after I have given it a shot from my powerful camera flash...I think I have blinded 9 of it's 8 eyes...hehe...I'm so the bad...

The photo session on Sunday...A beautiful picture...Most of us were here in the picture but...Two were missing...They are taking this picture...

Our Ipoh and Penang group...Sweet to know they all have their smiles on their faces...

On this day...I proposed to my sweet sweet girl friend...What a day...She said yes...And I was so so so the happy...Then comes the question when am I going to be less heavy...coz there is a photo session coming up...Don want my let my fat fat image stay on forever...

On the last day of the Conference...We had lunch...But it was not enough...So we have decided to stick to the round table...Determine to have our rights of being filled...Or...Not...Our tummy to be filled...hehe...

At the end of the conference, I could not bare the pain of loosing my friends here...So I'd decided to grab a few of them back home...While they are looking sad with their faces...I took my chance...

Another Grab...This one seems to enjoy the grabbing...While Dennis is still looking sad with the departure...(Dennis and Anthony)...

another grab...This one is a bit bigger than me but anyway I still go for the grab...Peter...He is struggling by poking his finger in my nose...hehe...

After my famous poke to the nose, it has started a wave of nose poking action in the departure room...My lovely girl friend was watching...aiyoor...

After seeing me grabbing almost everybody in the room...They have decided to grab one too...Here's some action...Dennis and Li Mei grabbing Venasa...Look at their criminal faces...They are so so the bad...

My Prized catch...I've got most of them but I'd let a few got away...must get them next time...from left...Poh Li, Heather, Tylor, Dennis, William, Li Mei, Antony, Li Siah aka Lou Por, Megan and Vanesa...
Note: Guys there are alot of beautiful girls in our church...don't let them slip through our fingers and let them go to other places keep them and be brave and fast about it...
You proposed!!! Woo! Congratulations to you!
By the way, thanks for dropping by at my Blog. Are you still having problems with your pictures?
yup yup...so so difficult to post pictures now...need to format my hard drive i think...
thanks for dropping by...appriciate it...
I think I know what's the problem with your pictures
The name of your pictures that you save in your computer must not contain any spaces or something like that. Next time you name your pictures, use "-" instead of space and don't put "!" or "?"
At least... I think that's it. Because that happened to my computer as well
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