Friday, December 22, 2006


If this happy holiday seasons you wonder why you can't see this chubby snooping around, it is because chubby has been eaten by a shark...a shark bigger than a great white...a megalodon...

So long Chub...

And so that was it, the end of Chubby...
Hehe...Actually Chubby was visiting the Aquaria KLCC as the family came by for a holiday visit...

At Mid Valley

We started at Mid Valley and there we took some pictures...and as we went along my sisters took themselves two pairs of shoes too...

With their new shoes, we walked and we took the train to KLCC...There we saw a giant Christmas was...plain...

And so we went on to see the fishes...

To Chubby, alot of food were swimming around then...

And so there it happened...Chub eatened...

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