Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Chubby has always been a curious person; a knowledge seeker. He'd use the Internet to solve most of his curiosity and questions. Yesterday late in the night, Chubby has done it...the find that shocked him to his core...it is so scary that Chubby almost pass out in front of the computer, it caused him to experienced weak limbs, numb brain and uncontrollable giggling out of fear as he kept on questioning himself why he'd wanted to watch and know something like this...

Cesarean Childbirth From Youtube...A whole hour of horror...no no, make it 2 days of horror because my limbs are still weak as I am writing this entry...Something is I think better to be left ignorant about it...

PS: I wonder what would Chubby say in future if his wife needs to go for a Cesarean Session?...Eh...Maybe...Good luck to you dear?...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HUH! That's HORROR!!! oh man, i no need to watch the video, i noe it's horror already!