One day Ian the Seow had a big suprising news...Infact it is so suprising it gave me a big big shock...

Ha!!...Is it really true ar??...Ehh...Really gah??...I was flattered...

So I decided to confirm my doubt and went asking people...Very obvious that I didn't get much out from these two...Nickie and Hai Wan...

So I resorted to Aaron...He ended up running away from me...

Siew Ann and Siew Wee oso treated me as the same...They didn't want to tell me the story...

So I turned to the three sitting on the couch...Sister Christ said think about it first...Vicky said oso thinking about it...And Hong Soon said he needed to look for answers in the scriptures...

Finally that I asked him personally...Yes, he confirmed...It is true...

That he has decided to fly to Singapore on a cow filled airport on 4th August afternoon...At 2pm...After lunch ofcourse...

So Ian the Seow is going to become Elder the Seow...Having his great fun time in Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Malaysia...
P/S: I exaggerated the story very much here...But...Yes, it is very true that Ian the Seow has become an Elderly person...
Nice blog.
Enjoy the pictures too.
Best wishes to you.
Hi Jacky, I've read your blog a couple of times but this is the first time I'm leaving a comment here. Thanks for linking to my blog. But, I still haven't learn how to link other people's blog to mine yet. So, please hold on ok, until I figure that out.
I see you are taking my advice on the "exaggeration" concept. Heheh.
Well done, o' student. :)
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