Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today I woke up early in the morning, took a bath and got ready for Church, I was fairly excited about going church today, because I called my wife yesterday, she told me that she was going to church today, I was getting ready to execute my grand plan as last week I didn't have the chance to ambush her...brushed my teeth with extra effort...

When I reached there, I saw her and her sister, that's my sister in law, sitting a corner in church, I cannot get to her, I had to sit to the other much for the extra brushing...Well after that I had to go up on stage to give a talk, because I have been assigned to give a talk about "commandments" and so it be...bla bla bla-ing on stage again...And what amaze me is that people listen to my bla-ing...hehe...(^_^)"

After the whole day going classes and talking about things in Church, I waited, hoping to see her again...and the only thing I saw was she was happily talking to the same guy which caused our marriage breakdown...I watched...and waited...and then when they are finished...she dashed away like the wind in front of me...(T_T)

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